Join the Movement

833-365-3686Call for Inquiry

Women’s Rights

We Empower

The 365 Foundation works towards ensuring that women have equal rights to men in all areas
of everyday life including education, employment, the arts, and political participation.

Through our many programs and events, we will raise awareness about gender inequality,
sexual harassment, equal pay, creative representation, corporate awareness and creating a safe
and supportive community for all women.

Our team of successful local female leaders and advocates will work within the community to
fight for the rights and support women who have continue to be marginalized. The goal of our
grassroots advocacy is to mentor and train women to develop tools to go after leadership roles
in their communities and to continue this legacy of women supporting women.

Events and programs will focus on creating opportunities for women in the arts and sciences,
connecting women to safe shelter and mental health programs, mentored support and training
on advanced leadership skills, joining forces with other local women’s advocacy organizations
so we can learn from each other and make a bigger impact in our local communities to change
social norms.